
Staying Healthy with Probiotics

Probiotics increase the trillions of friendly bacteria in our intestinal tract. When balanced, live culture helps with proper digestion and the manufacture of B vitamins. Healthy gut bacteria aids prostate health, and reduces inflammation which may trigger acne, rosacea, diseases in the bowel tract, infectious diarrhea, mood disorders, allergies in children, and vaginal infections in women.

Gut microbes are contained in the lining of the bowel tract where they produce 3 types of B vitamins: folate, biotin, and vitamin B12. These vitamins are responsible for extracting energy through metabolism. Intestinal friendly bacteria also help process vitamin K for blood and bone health. Probiotics occur naturally in food and can also be added through diet. Some probiotic rich foods and drinks include:

1. Yogurt
Yogurt contains live probiotic culture. Homemade yogurt, especially goat milk yogurt, contains a higher culture that cow’s milk. Goat milk has a higher fat content and makes a creamier yogurt. You can make homemade probiotic rich yogurt by infusing it with probiotic supplement to boost gut microbe.

2. Kefir
Kefir is fermented milk and kefir mushrooms. It’s one of several probiotic rich foods. This drink has many nutrients and supports gut microbe. It can be used in shakes with fruit or vegetables. Homemade Kefir is more beneficial than when commercially processed. Industry produced kefir is made with bacteria and yeast, not kefir fungi.

3. Sauerkraut
Fermented cabbage is called sauerkraut. It’s rich in live cultures and vitamins A, B, C, and K.

4. Ocean-based plants
Microalgae are blue-green algae, spirulina, and chlorella. They nourish gut flora increasing good bacteria, promoting intestinal health.

5. Miso Soup
Miso is made from fermented grain or beans. It’s full of nutrients and live cultures and regulates digestion.

6. Soybeans
Fermented soybeans make a probiotic rich food called Tempeh. It can be cooked in place of tofu or meat.

7. Kimchi
Pickled sauerkraut called Kimchi is spicy and sour. It’s one of the best probiotic foods that you can add to your diet.

10. Kombucha
Kombucha tea is fermented tea. The bacteria-fungus culture is documented to aid digestive health, protect your liver, kidneys, lungs and immune function.

Other probiotic rich foods and drinks
These are rich in live culture such as raw cheese, natto, pickled olives, pickled cucumber and other pickled vegetables, coconut kefir and apple cider vinegar. Making our food fresh is best and we can embellish foods natural probiotic benefits by adding live culture to our recipe.

Probiotic supplements
Taking a daily probiotic supplement supports our efforts to be healthy. All of us should consider taking probiotic supplements, especially if we are dealing with chronic health issues. We may not get the level of microorganisms we need from eating yogurt alone. Supplement labels tell us the strain packaged, and how much live culture there is per serving.